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 Sujet du message: Hour of Power GPS speed event
MessagePosté: 29 Oct 2018, 17:24 
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Inscription: 20 Nov 2007, 21:26
Messages: 2216
Localisation: La Rochelle Châtelaillon
A l'origine c'était que pour les australiens, désormais ouvert à l'Europe également.
Contest de speed GPS en vitesse moyenne sur une heure au mois de novembre.
Inscription avant le 31 oct sur
Sponsorisé par KAsail, Tribal fins et d'autres.


Join the Hour of Power GPS speed event, now also outside Australia!! Sail anywhere in Australia, Europe or in the world in November and post your tracks at!!

Check out the full competition details and entry page at ... r-of-Power and join in! Check also!

This worldwide competition runs for the full month of November and registration closes on 31 October. No late entries accepted. Tracks will need to be uploaded at The entry fee will be 10 AUD or approx. 6 Euro, payable through the website upon registration.

The winners in each division will be determined by who can sail the furthest distance (i.e. highest average speed) during any 60 minute session recorded in the month of November in any water worldwide. Rules are as per GPSTC.

Prizes are supplied by SUNSHINE COAST BOARD SPORTS, KA Sail and TRIBAL Windsurfing!!

Organisation: WindWanderers and KA72

Fanatic Falcon speed +housse + aileron 100€,dispo La Rochelle


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