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 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 12 Nov 2023, 10:56 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1254
Débutant avancé = vol stable sur de longues distances mais pas encore totalement sécurisé avec le pied arrière dans la sangle et accroché au trapèze si la puissance est trop forte.
Gybes : en vol 1 sur 10 - en vol mais incomplet 1 sur 2.

J'espérais confirmer quelques améliorations (trapèze et sangle arrière) hier mais la direction du vent et l'intensité violente des rafales ne m'ont pas mis en mesure d'utiliser le foil en toute sécurité. Session aileron...

En effet, voulant utiliser le foil même par vent fort, je suis de plus en plus d'avis que le 5.2 (pour moi) n'est pas assez petit.
J'espère que Tribal sortira quelque chose de plus petit dans un avenir proche (peut-être chez Defi). ...

En attendant je vais essayer d'utiliser l'aile freeride avec NP Combat 4.7 (5 lattes) et voir ce que ça donne...

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 12 Nov 2023, 16:47 
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Inscription: 22 Aoû 2005, 19:19
Messages: 1646
Today went foiling, and...

Grosse dévente au bord, houle énorme au large (entre 1m50 et 2m00 au vu des vagues constatées après coup sur la côte sud-ouest), ne sachant pas quel vent est présent au large, j'ai plié les gaules. C'était une journée à windsurf mais pas ici.

Probablement exploitable sur eau plate, mais j'ai eu peur de la pétole dans les terres sous la bruine (tu parles...).

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 12 Nov 2023, 17:52 
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Inscription: 04 Aoû 2011, 07:28
Messages: 838
Localisation: vendée
Je confirme c'est windsurf à gogo actuellement! jamais vu ça, la 3.7/4.2 et 4.7 tournent.

Horue tiny pro 90 / aeromod V2 easy xl/easy m. Duotone super session 5.9 super hero 5.3/4.7/4.2/3.7

Appleslice v2 5.0 83l/ aeromod V2 free xl / free L / Free M /Duotone unit v4 5.0 et 3.5

à vendre: wing duotone unit v3 5.0

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 14 Déc 2023, 13:00 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1254
En regardant les statistiques annuelles, il ressort que j'ai volé 30 fois, dont environ 20 avec des vents compris entre 8 et 13 nœuds et 10 autres fois avec 13-20 nœuds.

Encore 30 fois j'ai navigué aileron avec pas moins de 17/18 nœuds (jusqu'à environ 30 nœuds)

Disons que je ne peux pas me plaindre mais j'aimerais mieux organiser mon matériel pour 2 objectifs principaux :

- naviguer plus confortablement et plus efficacement dans le vent très léger dont j'ai parlé
- quand même "ronger" quelque chose sur la pratique de aileron au profit du foil dans des conditions de vent beaucoup plus intense

Pour le premier des 2 objectifs, après avoir expérimenté l'utilisation d'une grande aile de freeride et d'une voile (certainement inadaptée) à camber 7,7, je dirais que l'utilisation d'une voile et d'une planche plus grandes s'impose.
Je verrai s'il faut regarder le nouveau 85/86 cm ou s'il faut trouver un 91 pas cher à utiliser avec le nouveau 8.5 qui arrive mais qui peut aussi naviguer efficacement en 7.2 sans être trop encombrant

Le deuxième objectif est certes plus ambitieux mais non moins urgent.
Je suis convaincu que je ne peux pas (et ne veux pas) convertir la totalité des séances de aileron en séances de foil mais j'aimerais commencer à y travailler...

Dans ce genre de conditions, vous m'apprenez tous que le besoin primordial est un contrôle maximum, qui vient du meilleur réglage possible, de la meilleure utilisation possible du harnais et du fait de pouvoir utiliser FACILEMENT les deux sangles.

Avec voile d'environ 4,5 m2. un poids "normal" et un niveau "évolutif". Les planches "étroites" et "courtes" comme l'Exocet 71 ou la I-99 x-71 ont-elles un avantage ou vaut-il mieux utiliser des planches autour de 78 cm avec une longueur plus longue ?

p.s. Le I-99 x71 semble avoir des fonctionnalités très intéressantes :

- longueur très courte pour n'offrir aucune surface au vent
- biconcave très marqué pour aider la planche à glisser plutôt que de rester bloquée lors des nose dives
- biseaux avant pour mieux amortir le contact avec la surface de l'eau
- poupe et proue plus étroites que le 71 Exocet

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 15 Déc 2023, 18:30 
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Inscription: 29 Juin 2008, 16:15
Messages: 1587
Localisation: Brest
If the swell is about 1m, thé wind gusty, you’ll find hard to keep both straps and go staight.
Should perhaps think about wave foil board, slower but more jumps?

100% foil

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 15 Déc 2023, 21:48 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1254
protecfilms a écrit:
If the swell is about 1m, thé wind gusty, you’ll find hard to keep both straps and go staight.
Should perhaps think about wave foil board, slower but more jumps?

No, main spot has calm water and strong gusts are very powerful and violent.
I'm thinking at a tiny board as it is supposed less powerful, expecially if combined with a small size sail

...but still don't figure if 71 cm is enough or it needs a 78 cm...

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 20 Déc 2023, 10:55 
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Inscription: 13 Oct 2020, 07:11
Messages: 272
Localisation: région lémanique
giu a écrit:
I'm thinking at a tiny board as it is supposed less powerful, expecially if combined with a small size sail
...but still don't figure if 71 cm is enough or it needs a 78 cm...

I was also lurking around a smaller board for wind > 20kts. I would go for the 71cm one ... the gap is better with your current AHD 83cm.
The 78cm one would make sense if you target pure racing in high wind only, but the Exo 71cm is used by some riders (Dr PieXII I think?) in pure strapless freemove as well, so you can do both.

From your previous post, there is no difference at all between the EXO 71 and the i99 Aero+ 71 .. they are identical (check the discussions about those boards): Same mold, some construction .. just the brand deco changed.

But honesly, you can push your AHD above 20 kts easily. I did that with my airride 81cm with wave sails and a freeride foil ... I was impressed that it went well. One board to do all, freerace and freeride/freemove.

rider: 1.82cm / 75 kg
windsurf: 3s 76 / Rocket 105 / 125
windfoil: Airride 81, Foil SB Freeride+ et GTR+
sails: 4.2 / 4.7 / 5.3 / 5.8 / 6.7 / 7.8

Dernière édition par lezardo76 le 20 Déc 2023, 21:52, édité 2 fois.

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 20 Déc 2023, 14:37 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1254
No, the i99 x-speed 71 is different than the Exocet RF 71/I99 Aero 71.
It's got narrower nose and tail and a bigger amount of biconcave and different cutouts design.
it was boarn as "fun-board" but then some garda guy tested it with slalom foil and it delivered better then expected.
This is what the shaper (we use to chat sometimes) told me.

Yes, the AHD 83 can be succefully used with small sail sizes but according with my current experience this is not yet for me.
Hope to test it soon with my new 5.2 and figure how it is with a proper foil sail (and different settings in my foil).

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 20 Déc 2023, 21:37 
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Inscription: 13 Oct 2020, 07:11
Messages: 272
Localisation: région lémanique
giu a écrit:
No, the i99 x-speed 71 is different than the Exocet RF 71/I99 Aero 71.

Sorry, my mistake ... I didn't know this new board. Not the same beast indeed.

rider: 1.82cm / 75 kg
windsurf: 3s 76 / Rocket 105 / 125
windfoil: Airride 81, Foil SB Freeride+ et GTR+
sails: 4.2 / 4.7 / 5.3 / 5.8 / 6.7 / 7.8

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 27 Déc 2023, 07:54 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1254
Lucky enough I've been foiling quite a lot during the past days.
Same spot, same kind of (calm) water surface.
WInd has been gusty and patchy: 15-20 kts + 13-18 kts + 11-14 kts;
Same foil set up (with a little bit of shim in the tail wing -thx William H.- ) for all the sessions but not same sail size (5,5 + 7,0).
Difference vs all my previous foiling session i have placed the mast base 2 cm further forward (and this is for me the real graal!).

Ok. First session wind seemed powerful because of the gusts suddenly coming, shaking my stance and making me loosing confidence to stay hooked the whole tracks. I found myself in a ridiculus extreme toilet stance (turkish way!) and very loose with the back hand to balance the system. But this was the fastet of the 3 sessions

Ligher wind of the 2nd session made for the confidence increase. So i did pushed staying hooked most of the times, paying attention to "feel" the lines and experimenting with tiny movements of both waist and head to raise or push down the board nose.

3rd session (lightest but stadier wind) was a joy! I was in power stance the entire session despite i was using the biggest sail size), and i confirmed what i have noticed during the previous days. I did succesfully apply a lot of pressure on the mast base and almost never sheeted out in the gusts, I stayed as locked as possible and just tracked smoothly.

Now i need to work out better during the stronger wind days, trying to find the correct line length.

New sails is going to arrive at home. They're supposed to be slimmer and with less belly volumed.
Can't wait to experience with them.

Those last sessions were probably the last ones of the year. I did push as much i could to achieve some of my goals. At the moment I've overtook part of my frustrations and feel happy with that.

2024 goals:

- strong/er wind expertise
- power gybe
- light wind steady fun
- trying to keep up with fin buddies as much as possible


 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 03 Jan 2024, 10:53 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
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 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 03 Jan 2024, 12:25 
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Inscription: 22 Aoû 2005, 19:19
Messages: 1646
Luff 504 for the 7.2 ?
Ouch, it's really high, not for me as it would force me to buy a 490, which doesn't fit in the trailer ... :D

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 03 Jan 2024, 14:00 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1254
poulif a écrit:
Luff 504 for the 7.2 ?
Ouch, it's really high, not for me as it would force me to buy a 490, which doesn't fit in the trailer ... :D

You could still use a carbon extender + 460 mast....

Not yet unboxed and rigged but yes, they are high aspect

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 07 Fév 2024, 09:05 
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Inscription: 15 Fév 2006, 15:15
Messages: 1254
Winter = steady and powerful wind
3 days in a row in 17-25 kts (flat water)
ahd 83 / Tribal Apache 5.2 / Loke 2022 (1x590 - 2x400 - 190) - 134 cm from tail (116 from front tuttle scew) - 0,5° shim

For the pace and the v-max i've got (finally yesterday scored 25 kts) that set up seemed working.

Only 2 wipes out per session. Not sure this is cool as it might mean i didn't push enough? But i'm happy i did survive to those conditions (yesterday few people were finning the 6,3...)

I tried to saty safe and clean in order to gain confidence and foiling as much relaxed as possible (despite the sudden gusts). I succeeded to keep levelled foiling and rarely touched down. My body, head, view made all the adjusts to avoid the ejection or the nose dip.

To be honest i mostly placed my rear foot out of the straps in centre of the tail deck. Spent my session in searching the best balance power/speed/control. When i moved the back foot towards the windward rail power/speed increased and i needed to compensate, as i'm not yet good (with this wind) to hang my weight the right place and height forward being hooked).

I'm sure using the rear straps helps a lot the balance but it adds thrill and heart rate!
Increasing speed makes for increasing lift! I need to further handle that. I think i cannot carry on with my current technique..

Material wise I have some future plans (spring-summer 2024)

 Sujet du message: Re: Went foiling, and....
MessagePosté: 07 Fév 2024, 14:16 
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Inscription: 22 Aoû 2005, 19:19
Messages: 1646
It seems you are on the right way!
Foiling in around 20knots makes you improve... Or die. So the human brain prefers improve! :D

Make sure you stay in the harness, sheeted, as long a possible, to keep stability.

Try to add shims if you feel too high at high speed.
Or mastpad a bit forward. (not too much)

You are lucky to have those winds! Here it comes back, but with lot of rain.

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